Rye Studio School Newsletter
It has already been a very busy term for Rye Studio School students here at Entertainment Workshops with lots of exciting opportunities.
Entertainment Workshops held an open day on the 22nd September; this was an extremely successful day and a great opportunity for the students.
It was the year 12 KS5 BTEC Production Arts students first day with us at EW, and what a great first day it was. The students were given the opportunity to meet with professionals within the production industry such as: Prolite, Adam Hall, Electrovision, Production Services Association, Ripple Media and the MD from Plaza, they also had a chance to look at future products. EW was also fortunate enough to have patrons Nick Van Eede of the 80?s sensation Cutting Crew and Cheryl Baker, Mike Nolan & Jay Aston formerly of Bucks Fizz, the students were able to take photos of the event for their portfolios and observe sound checks whilst Phil talked them through the process, this gave the students a great insight to live events.
Following our open day year 12 student Louie Coleman was given the opportunity to represent Rye Studio School and Entertainment Workshops at Plasa, Plasa is one of the worlds leading trade exhibition, he spoke to industry professionals about his progression from The Hastings Academy to Rye Studio School where he is working towards gaining his BTEC accreditation in Production Arts.

Yr 10 KS4 - It is fantastic having a new group of year 10 students joining us this year at RSS/Entertainment Workshops, they are currently trying and testing out different areas of production such as sound, lighting, DJ-ing and more. The students have had small workshops in each area which in turn gives them a fantastic opportunity to understand all areas of production.
YR11 KS4 ? Year 11 students were tasked with the challenge of supplying technical requirements for an assembly at Rye College. The assembly was a production revolving around prospect students who are looking for an alternative education provision. The students had to set up a stage involving live musicians and had to operate the equipment, they had to consider the lighting design and stage management elements of the show for a smooth production.
Stage make up workshop - Year 11 students have also had the chance to do a workshop in stage make up for their performing arts GCSE. They were shown how to apply latex and other stage materials to re create artificial wounds etc.
Year 11's also were asked to provide technical support for a touring production company called "The White Room Theatre Company" they had 5 bite size plays that required sound and lighting cues to be programmed and operated.
Yr 13 KS5 ? Year 13 have been really busy this week, they have been planning the studio school open evening, taking responsibility for the technical supply and design of how the open evening looked.