Learn to Take Great Pictures!

Take control of your camera and explore the world that is out there on our DSLR photography course.
The course offers a very basic overview, to be followed up with more detail as it pertains to the following areas.

Camera Controls: Auto, shutter speed, f-number, ISO compensation, zoom and so on. 

Quantity of light: A very basic outline of ISO, aperture and shutter speed, the gist of it being keep the shutter speed to a decent level and what to expect as you increase ISO. 

Evaluating exposure, including an introduction to the histogram. (Depth of field is probably best reserved for a follow-up intermediate course.)
Quality of light: Hard vs. soft light. Directionality. 
The basics of light color and white balance. Show lots of example photos. Ask them to make and show their own examples.

On-camera flash: As main light source and as a fill source. At least try to help them understand that flash is useful only at relatively short distances.

Composition and Content: I would put the emphasis on capturing the mood and moment and telling the story -- not on rules. Talk in terms of organization within the frame, story content, sense of time and movement, and (for people) facial expression. Talk about quality of light in different weather and different times of day and how it affects the mood of the photo.

Editing and Post Processing: Encourage them to edit hard -- point out the best photographers throw away more pictures than they show. With digital there is no reason not to shoot enough to have choices. 

Our DSLR course shows you:
- What each of the main camera settings does- Basic photographic and camera principles including shutter speed, aperture, exposure - Use of different shooting modes (e.g. shutter & aperture priority)- How to freeze or blur motion- How to control depth of field and blur the background- How to compose good photos and how to take better pictures- Shooting in low light using high ISO- Image quality settings - jpeg & raw

Learn to Take Great Pictures!
Take control of your camera and explore the world that is out there on our DSLR ph